
October 9, 2019

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example of a bad pitch...and what to do instead

Ideas to money making machines

One piece of content...repurposed

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I'm allison!

Welcome to the ACC Blog! The straight shooting, action plan focused slice of the internet designed to give you tips, tricks and tools to implement immediately to start showing up as yourself on the internet and making bank.


Ready to Blow Up Your Biz?

I'm ready!

Time to get some accountability in putting these tips into action to boost your visibility + credibility!

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I'm Allison, your your new bestie + fun biz coach! 

I help small businesses scale and gain massive visibility and credibility through simple PR and marketing strategies! I can get your stuff in front of the right eyes to increase your sales. Oh, and we have tons of FUN while doing it!

more about me

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Steal HerTips for Your Next Launch

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Take Better Photos Without a Fancy Camera

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