PR and Visibility Tips

An Example of a Bad Pitch…and What to Do Instead!

June 26, 2023

Apologies in advance, Keith…but I’m gonna blow you up in my email list. Below is an actual pitch I received in my email a few weeks ago. Take a looksie at the intro and then we’ll discuss… Sad thing? Outside of him not wanting to startle me ( way to be creepy AF, k-dog) this […]

example of a bad pitch...and what to do instead

Ideas to money making machines

One piece of content...repurposed

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Welcome to the ACC Blog! The straight shooting, action plan focused slice of the internet designed to give you tips, tricks and tools to implement immediately to start showing up as yourself on the internet and making bank.


Ready to Blow Up Your Biz?

I'm ready!

Time to get some accountability in putting these tips into action to boost your visibility + credibility!

Apologies in advance, Keith…but I’m gonna blow you up in my email list.

Below is an actual pitch I received in my email a few weeks ago. Take a looksie at the intro and then we’ll discuss…

Sad thing? Outside of him not wanting to startle me ( way to be creepy AF, k-dog) this is a somewhat common pitch my inbox gets flooded with. I am constantly asked to speak, teach, be a guest on things, etc. AND people ask to serve my audience a lot too. I almost never say yes. You’ll see why in a sec. 

And to answer your next question, yes, sometimes I reply back with pitch feedback because I really do believe the intention is in the right place with a lot of businesses and they just haven’t learned how to pitch themselves.

K let’s talk bad pitches. 👇🏼

K breakdown:

  1. I don’t know you AT ALL- why would I do you a favor of any kind?
  2. You didn’t mention my audience or the benefits you have in serving them in anyway.
  3. You creeped me out by coming on WAY too strong.

Pitching is a VERY fine line between serving, selling and bragging on yourself. We all know WHY you are pitching yourself in an email. We know you want to write a blog, be a speaker, guest on our pod, collaborate- whatever it is. We KNOW. You don’t need to be weird and spell it out.

Instead…you TELL me how you are going to help my audience and WHY you’re the person I should trust. How is this partnership mutually beneficial?

Because I don’t want you to be like Keith…I created a full Pitch Yourself Starter Pack to get you going on your pitching journey. 

And yes…of course my pitching templates are all included  🙌🏼 so you can stick to the plan and show up with genuine interest in serving an audience that doesn’t belong to you (yet.) And with those templates, I’ve included actual examples that my clients and I have sent that have been accepted for you to see how they actually work!

You’ll see all the extra goodies and bonuses included in the Pitch Yourself Starter Pack once you click the button below. It’s juicy, promise.

And gives you the POWER of learning exactly how to pitch yourself in a way that…

  1. doesn’t creep anyone out
  2. sets yourself up as a trusted expert
  3. results in more visibility and credibility for you and your biz!

Head on over and grab your pack and get started pitching ASAP- there’s an audience out there dying to learn about you!

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I'm Allison, your your new bestie + fun biz coach! 

I help small businesses scale and gain massive visibility and credibility through simple PR and marketing strategies! I can get your stuff in front of the right eyes to increase your sales. Oh, and we have tons of FUN while doing it!

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