❌ Visibility is NOT just about growing a following on social media.
👉🏼 Visibility is about getting NEW eyeballs on your products and services…from multiple places and platforms.
❌ Visibility is not just the amount of website traffic you have
👉🏼 Visibility is about the WAY you get in front of people and the impact you make on them in those few short seconds
❌ Visibility is not just posting your daily reel with trending audio, showing up on stories and sending a weekly email…and considering that your checklist for “working on growing your brands visibility”
👉🏼 Visibility is a constant strategy that takes intentional time, work and strategic planning to ensure you’re hitting multiple new people a day from multiple traffic sources AND getting them to be so intrigued by your content that they stick around and are dying to learn more.
Visibility is a puzzle and you are most likely trying to build a puzzle with a few pieces and are scrambling to figure out what the hell is going grow and why you can’t complete the puzzle. Where did the other pieces go?!
You haven’t uncovered them yet. You haven’t looked at your OVERALL visibility strategy and uncovered ALL of the puzzle pieces your specific business needs in order to truly grow your visibility with the right audience.
Your business’s visibility plan is personal and unique to you, your offers, and your ideal audience.
That’s why a one size fit all approach is always going to lead to frustration. My plan looks different than yours- and it should! One traffic driver for me may not make sense for you, and that’s great. We don’t have the same business…so why would we have the same exact plan to grow? Right??
K ready to uncover your missing puzzle pieces for your visibility puzzle?
I created a FREE quiz for finding your Visibility End Game- the number one result of visibility YOU should be seeing and HOW to get that result with a free personalized action plan of attack with immediate action steps for you sent right to your inbox after you take the quiz! 🙌🏻
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