One of the BEST things I’ve done this year is go to Scottsdale, AZ with some of my best business friends as we close out 2023 and plan ahead to how we’re going to make 2024 the best one yet. We filmed a TON of content, laughed our butts off, ate insanely delicious food made for us by my personal retreat chef, Queen Heidi, and each have our million dollar plan for 2024 to implement when we get home. So here comes the next question…how did I find the people to do this with? Years of relationship building. I’m constantly putting myself out there in connections, friendships and INITIATING time together. If you want community, you have to put the effort into building it. It is a two way road and relationships take work! I needed a getaway to recharge, pour into ME and my business after a year of pouring into others because I am my number one client…and you are too! YOU make your biz the most amount of money, so you need to take care of yourself and make sure you are prioritizing the building of your own business at times throughout the year. This was one of those times for me. Let’s chat 3 simple ways you can start finding friends on the internet that you actually want to hang out with IRL: 1. Be your freaking self on the internet. How do we know we want to be friends with you if we don’t KNOW you?! It’ll never work. No one wants to go on vacation with a blind date. Friendships are the same. Show yourself! Show your likes, dislikes, take a stand for something, joke around, let us in. This is the first step for so many amazing things to happen building your personal brand as well, and the bonus is that it’ll bring your people out of the woodwork so you can move onto step 2! 👇🏼 2. Send a DM to someone you talk to often on social media asking to hop on a FaceTime or Zoom just to chat. This takes the relationship to that next step of friendship…bringing it off the app and more in your actual life. You can even host a Zoom 2024 goal setting, content brainstorming session for you and a few gals. Could lead to pool margs and biz chats in jammies while watching My Best Friends Wedding one day! 3. Go to an in person event or retreat. Chances are if you gravitate toward the leader or host of the in person event, you’ll connect with the people attending. Women that come to Ultimate Product Party or one of my Biz Bestie Retreats continue their friendship well after the experience ends- which makes my heart happier than anything. Meeting someone in person and then prioritizing the nurturing of their relationship is super important! I met Cat, my business partner and co-host for Ultimate Product Party, at a in person event, which led to her working with me and coming to a retreat and now we’re business partners hosting our own 2 day creative conference. My friend Chastity came to the Palm Springs Biz Bestie Retreat and we connected so easily (that like we were definitely sisters in a past life kinda way) that I invited her to come hang with me this week too. Moral of the story- women need time away with women. To escape with other women you genuinely love, respect and are inspired by is magic. This is definitely something I’d recommend you prioritizing in 2024. Have you ever left for a week to spoil yourself in a house with your friends, good food, drinks, a pool and have zero outside distractions keeping you from working? If the answer is no, but you’re thinking uhhhh dream life. Make it a reality! I have so much creativity breathed back into my brain and new ideas and dreams stirring around that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to dream up had I not put myself first and made this week happen. ACC Biz Bestie Retreat 2024, somewhere warm, is coming in hot. Perfect opportunity to escape, learn, create content, goal set for the year, and make lifelong friendships that’ll bring so much insane value to your life. Can’t wait to see you there! Join the ACC Retreat Waitlist Here! |
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