Business Tips

3 Building Blocks Every Personal Brand Needs

February 14, 2024

Your personal brand is your most unique and easily marketable aspect of your business. Why? Because it is the ONLY piece of your business that is is 100% unique. Everything else you do, you can find a variation of it already done. No shade at all, it’s just how it is in today’s market. Your […]

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Welcome to the ACC Blog! The straight shooting, action plan focused slice of the internet designed to give you tips, tricks and tools to implement immediately to start showing up as yourself on the internet and making bank.


Ready to Blow Up Your Biz?

I'm ready!

Time to get some accountability in putting these tips into action to boost your visibility + credibility!

Your personal brand is your most unique and easily marketable aspect of your business.


Because it is the ONLY piece of your business that is is 100% unique. Everything else you do, you can find a variation of it already done. No shade at all, it’s just how it is in today’s market. Your product, content, aesthetic, services, etc can all be found in some variation or another somewhere else in the world.

But you? You’re literally the ONLY you. Pretty wild right?

Let’s break this down with some relatable examples for you to see how you can weave your personal brand secret sauce into your content in a very approachable and organic way!

Let’s look at a candle company, a course creator and a jewelry designer.

Candles: I want to know WHO created that candle line and what their values are as a company. Do you use natural fragrance? No harsh headache chemicals? The phalates or whatever thing that’s a no no in toxic Bath and Body Works Candles that are killing us? Do you have a refill program? Do I jive with your biz and what it stands for?

Course: I want to know WHO is the course creator and how their framework worked for them and others, and why they even got started teaching that topic in the first place. What about the actual course itself?Most courses are left unwatched. Are you going to keep me interested and engaged to even watch after I buy with your brand voice and personality??

Jewelry: I want to know WHO is designing that necklace and what their style is like so I can get outfit and accessory inspo from them! What are your style icons? Where do you get inspo for your collections or daily outfits? What trends should I be aware of? What are your top fave pieces you wear everyday?

👉🏼 These represent 3 blocks that every single personal brand needs to have to own their own unique secret sauce and start connecting with AND selling to your audience. No audience ➡️ no business 🤷🏼‍♀️.

-Candle example: brand values
-Course creator example: brand voice
-Jewelry designer example: brand builders

🪩 Brand Values: what you and your company stand for, what’s important to you, what is the heart and soul of your biz?

🪩 Brand Voice: what your biz sounds like! Are you sassy? Zen? Sarcastic? Relatable? Serious?

🪩 Brand Builders: what makes you YOU- the human behind the brand. Likes, dislikes, hobbies, family, etc.

Many experts and business coaches teach you to start building an audience, listen to what they want, and then create that for them.

I teach the opposite.

I teach you to build a solid, personal brand where your talents, personality, expertise, and interests shine that attracts the audience you want to serve.

Your magnetism, relatability, credibility, unique POV, the secret sauce is FIRST…audience is second.

This is how you ensure that you are ALWAYS excited, interested and having fun in your business. Business always stays fresh when you are driving the bus versus putting that control in the hands of someone else right? More on that soon. 😉

Your name on the door…your final say.

If you lost the link to your Secret Sauce brand boosting workbook, here it is!

AND, if you want my feedback on your secret sauce, daily content ideas and prompts that slap and connect with your audience, AND live teaching/Q&A for a week with me on building a rock solid personal brand that not only connects but CONVERTS…you need to join the Content that Connects FREE Challenge I’m running Feb 26-March 1! Join the challenge here!

Just WAIT till you see what I have in store for you. Literally brand new content, never seen from me before and I cannot wait to deliver the goods! See you on the inside!

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I'm Allison, your your new bestie + fun biz coach! 

I help small businesses scale and gain massive visibility and credibility through simple PR and marketing strategies! I can get your stuff in front of the right eyes to increase your sales. Oh, and we have tons of FUN while doing it!

more about me

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