Work Life Balance

How I Structure My Work Day As a Small Business Owner With ADHD

January 3, 2024

Most commonly asked question…how do you do it all? 🤷🏼‍♀️ If you’re always feeling crazy busy but you aren’t really ending the day finishing the things you needed to do – this is totally for you! How I do it all, let’s go! Other than help from my husband, team, and medication…I have a pretty […]

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Welcome to the ACC Blog! The straight shooting, action plan focused slice of the internet designed to give you tips, tricks and tools to implement immediately to start showing up as yourself on the internet and making bank.


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Most commonly asked question…how do you do it all? 🤷🏼‍♀️

If you’re always feeling crazy busy but you aren’t really ending the day finishing the things you needed to do – this is totally for you!

How I do it all, let’s go!

Other than help from my husband, team, and medication…I have a pretty clear structure to my day that works for me. It’s fluid enough that I don’t feel trapped, but structured enough that I can tackle the things I need to do in the time I need to do them.

After YEARS of battling planners, to do lists, emailing myself reminders when something pops into my head that I need to do, etc. I have FINALLY figured out a structure to my work week that works for me, and I hope it can help you too!

I am by no means an ADHD expert. I just have managed it for a really long time and have found solutions that fit for me and my needs along the way. I know myself and where my motivation lies, and so I cater my day to give myself the flexibility and freedom I want, while still ensuring I am getting everything that needs to be done…actually done.

This loose structure has given me the gift of sticking with one thing vs juggling multiple. I cannot post a Reel, write an email, respond to a Vox, and update a heading on my website all at the same time as much as I want to. All the tabs just cannot be open at one time.

I love my notes app because I can access it from my phone or computer, so it’s always updated everywhere I need it and I don’t have to rely on my phone during the work day, which will always add a level of distraction I don’t need.

Sticking to these 3 blocks and my simple little notes app has literally changed my life and business.

The To-Do List – Everything Goes

Everything for the week, both for my business and household, gets written in a notes app on my phone as bubble checkboxes.  I don’t do planners. 

I add the calendar events and times under each day, then go in and fill in the tasks/projects I need to do.  I also add any household items that need to get done- kids’ sports, appointments to be made, errands to run, etc. 

If anything pops in my head at any time that I need to do as it comes up – it goes on the list. 

Block 1: Logistics and Busy Work

I start my day getting all the busy work, logistical stuff off my plate.  The dr appts, responding to emails, filling out any forms for work or school, buying anything, etc. 

The to-do list items that have to get done but you save them till the end of the day and then forget. I do those first both for biz and household.

Block 2: Client Work 

I usually have calls starting around 10am for 1-1 clients or in my membership, basic Pitch Club so I’m on those. 

If I’m not on calls, I’m editing client media pitches, answering questions in Basic Pitch Club, on Voxer with clients, sending in content ideas, reviewing copy, etc. for whatever visibility and personal branding projects we’re working on together. 

Block 3: Work on My Own Business

It can be really easy to fall into only working on client work or fulfilling orders and forgetting that YOU are actually your best clients. YOU make your biz the most amount of money over anyone else…so that requires attention.  

In the final block of the day I work on my own business – create content, write and schedule emails, design new offers/opt in’s, pitch media outlets and podcasts. Whatever tasks MY biz needs…that’s how I finish the work day. 

Wrap Up – Recharge before the chaos

I end my work day 30 minutes before my kids come home from school. 

In that 30 minutes I get out of work mode, and into mom/normal person mode. Recharge and get ready to finish the night of sports, dinner, homework, etc. 

Usually opt to read or watch a show while eating a snack for that 30 minutes. One of my fav quiet parts of the day that feels like a reward after finishing the to do list!

For more tips and tricks like this – head on over to binge the blog!

👉🏼 And if you want a quick reference to save and refer back to on my daily schedule, click here to see this as a carousel post on Instagram! Give me a follow if you’re not already!

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