Memories in Moments

Episode 41: Personal Growth and Crushing the Dad Life with Dave Hollis

October 15, 2019

Meet Dave Hollis! Wife to Rachel Hollis, dad of 4, and CEO of the Hollis Company! Dave and I are talking all about dad life! How to connect deeper with your kids, how personal growth effects your parenting, and Dave shares his best advice for dads looking to growth their relationship with their families. This […]

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Meet Dave Hollis! Wife to Rachel Hollis, dad of 4, and CEO of the Hollis Company! Dave and I are talking all about dad life! How to connect deeper with your kids, how personal growth effects your parenting, and Dave shares his best advice for dads looking to growth their relationship with their families. This one is a must listen for all parents!

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Meet Dad of 4 and CEO of the Hollis Company, Dave Hollis!

This is a big day for me. To say I was excited about this interview would be a severe understatement. I’m going to take you on a little journey and then we’ll drive into the show notes from this episode!

Rachel and Dave Hollis have had a huge hand in where I am today. I have been a Chic Tribe member for years, I remember watching Rachel on YouTube put together cute tables and go into people’s houses and help them plan a last minute party. I followed her blog and their adoption journey, always thinking she was totally funny and relatable. Then, she started doing this Last 90 Days Challenge and I got my friends on board and Girl Wash Your Face was coming out and I asked to be on the launch team. Before I knew it, I convinced 6 of my girlfriends to come to a live personal development conference called Rise in LA. We didn’t really know what to expect, but man were we excited! You can read all about my takeaways from Rise Weekend LA in this blog!

Rachel’s success and drive in building her company has been hugely inspirational to me, especially as someone who has followed her since the early days. The growth has been insane to watch. She helped me see my gifts and pushed me to make my big dreams a reality. She gave me confidence that I could do it, why not me?

While we were at Rise, Rachel was leading us through a meditation, and the idea for this podcast came right to me. And what did I do? Tried to push them right back out. I don’t want to take that on right now, I don’t have time, I know nothing about starting a podcast. The list of excuses goes on and on, but here we are. Spoiler alert, you know how the story ends! ? I got home from that weekend and started seeing ads for starting a podcast, courses telling you how to do it…okay okay, I hear you, I’ll do it!

Fast forward a couple months, and Ryan and I were at Rachel and Dave’s couples conference, Rise Together, in Austin. The podcast debuted the week before that event, and I was fiercely editing shows on the plane ride down. Every Hollis event ends in a big dance party, and for this conference, the theme was couples. Ryan and I decided it would be funny to go as Rachel and Dave, and they totally got a kick out of it! So…long story short, the last time I saw Dave Hollis, I was dressed up as his wife taking selfies on the dance floor! Talk about a full circle moment to now be interviewing him for the very podcast his company helped inspire, right? Very cool moment for me!

In this episode, Dave and I are talking about dad life! This is a great episode to share with the dads in your life! We are talking all about how to connect deeper with your kids, how personal growth effects your parenting, and Dave shares his best advice for dads looking to growth their relationship with their families. This one is a must listen, friends! 


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So let me officially introduce you to Dave Hollis! Dave is the dad of Jackson, Sawyer, Ford, and Noah, and the husband of Rachel Hollis. He is the former President of Distribution of the Walt Disney Company, and is now CEO of the Hollis Company.

A little over a year ago, he made the decision to leave Disney and work with Rachel on building this company. He was at a point in his life where he wasn’t challenged or being fulfilled, he was in a position where the movies were too good- he couldn’t fail, and he decided to take a leap and make a change. While in the hot tub with his sons one night, his son asked, “Dad what scares you the most in life?”  Dave’s answer? “The fear that I won’t live up to my potential.” And so the adventure and journey into personal development begins!

Lessons from Dave

1. Differentiating between giving kids everything they want and giving them what they need.

Setting the example of chasing a dream and being in pursuit of big goals is a gift you can give them as they grow and start making these goals for themselves without us helping them along. We are also teaching them that that pursuit, or those big dreams, sometimes comes at a sacrifice. That sacrifice may be not being at every game or performance- saying no to the good things as Jennifer from Episode 24 would say! That means the lesson of showing them to chase something is more beneficial to maybe what they want everytime, like being present at every moment they’d like.

2. Personal growth has changed him as a father.

He gets to teach his kids the power of habits and healthy routines. Waking up early and working out is part of Dave’s morning routine, which gives him more energy to be present with his kids. Modeling discipline, healthy eating habits, and exercise is important to their family. Starting the journey with him has had him showing up as the kind of dad he wants to be.

3. Overcoming Co-Dependency with Kids

Dave used to have a lot of Dad guilt over not seeing his kids as often as he’d like because of his big job. He enabled a lot and indulged in lots of the requests from them. He learned that giving in to that behavior and letting the guilt take over was doing them a disservice. Now they have rules to the house and he sticks to his guns when the kids come asking for things that they all know don’t fit in the boundaries of those rules. Structure and discipline are important pieces he can create for them…and it’s not what they want, but it’s what they need.

4. Why Do Dads Get to Be the Fun Parents?

Are you letting them be the fun parent? Are you always doing errands and boring things with your kids? Or can you be the parent that goes and does the fun things? Try and tackle that thought with a mindset shift. You have the power and control to change that. Being the fun parent and being a disciplinarian are not mutually exclusive. Both parents need to be both for their kids. Think about the identity that you’re living in and assiging for yourself. If you don’t like the role you assume, what do you need to do to make the change? Loved this.

 5. You are the One Raising Your Kids

You get to call the shots. If things are working for you, and others don’t agree, it’s not their business. It’s for you to decide what’s best for you and your kids, because you are in control. No one needs to listen to their neighbors, MILs, friends, etc. 

The Biggest Memory Makers

Learning and getting to know each of his kids individually and honoring those interests. Quality time with one child doing something that they were interested in or what they want to do. Musical theater with Jackson, sports with Sawyer, and arts and crafts for Ford. Dave is tuned into their interests and values that quality time and the memorie those experiences together brings. 

Favorite Part of Being a Dad

The pride of seeing your kids shine. To see attributes you passed on to them shine and shape the person they’re becoming. It’s amazing to see their natural talents manifest in different ways. 

Advice for Dads Looking to Make Deeper Connections with Your Kids

Find a time to have one on one time with each of the kids. Spend time with them in their interests. When you are one on one, you have a lot more opportunities to have your kids open up and share whats going on in their life. Also, decide how you want to be a dad. You get to choose your own way. Just because your dad raised you in a certain way, doesn’t mean thats how you are supposed to be a father. Be the dad you want to be!

Connect with Dave Hollis!


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I'm Allison, your your new bestie + fun biz coach! 

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