Memories in Moments

Episode 48: Girlfriends- Where to Find Them and How to Love Them

October 16, 2019

Podcasters, Jeanette Tapley, Madison Anaya, and I are chatting all about girlfriends. Where the heck do you find friends when you get older? We give some tips on where and how to build your tribe, and also discuss how to find and make time to connect and nurture those relationships once you make them!  Listen […]

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Podcasters, Jeanette Tapley, Madison Anaya, and I are chatting all about girlfriends. Where the heck do you find friends when you get older? We give some tips on where and how to build your tribe, and also discuss how to find and make time to connect and nurture those relationships once you make them! 

Listen below or head on over to iTunes, Spotify, or Stitcher!

It’s Girlfriend Hour on Memories in Moments!

I am thrilled to introduce you to two of my girlfriends, Jeanette Tapley and Madison Anaya! These two girls are just girls girls, which I LOVE. They are master connectors and truly believe in the magic of friendship, so I couldn’t think of two better gals to invite on the show and talk about friendship today!

On this episode, the girls and I are chatting all about friends. Where the heck do you find friends when you get older? We give some tips on where and how to build your trip, and also discuss how to find and make time to connect and nurture those relationships once you make them! The power of girlfriends is something fierce, and having that community is everything. I get asked ALL the time about my girlfriends- probably because I talk to them so much! They are a major part of my self care routine and the ones I go to for almost any celebration, questions, breakdowns, etc. I’m so lucky to have them in my life, but I didn’t meet most of them until I became a mom! This episode is definitely going to inspire you to put yourself out there and build your tribe, but to also pick up the phone and send your bestie some love!

Meet the girls!

Jeanette Tapley, a Texas mama of 3 and the podcast host of It’s Time for Coffee. Jeanette makes friends wherever she goes. She is legit one of the friendliest, most inclusive people I’ve ever met. Her show is all about making connections, understanding people and sharing your story. Jeanette is also a huge reason I even have this show! It was after her interviewing me for her show that I finally said out loud that I also wanted to host a podcast and she encouraged me to just do the dang thing!

Madison Anaya is also representing Texas today! Madison is married to her middle school sweetheart, Alex, and hosts The Fearless Chase Podcast! She is all about encouraging women to chase their dreams like their lives depend on it and is the perfect balance of motivation with a side of hometown bestie! 



I’m a Grown Up Now…How the Heck Do I Make New Friends?!

Making friends can be super hard and a little awkward as we get older! You think it would be opposite, right? Like, we’ve been doing this for years! The older we get, the more our schedules get filled, which means ourselves and our friendships are usually last on the list. 

A few tips on meeting and connecting without being in person:

  • Take advantage of Facebook groups and Instagram! All of us connect online regularly and each have close friendships made on these platforms.
  • Find a gym with childcare! Then you can scope out the moms and their kids and see if you find one you may connect with. Start simple by giving them a compliment or introducing yourself and go from there!
  • Post questions about whats going on with your kids in a local/neighborhood Facebook group- “hey anyone else potty training?” You may get some great tips but also find some new friends to hang and chat kiddos with! Bonus points if your kids hit it off too!
  • Marco Polo- download this app ASAP! Marco Polo is how all of us talk to grown ups face to face on a daily basis! It makes you feel like you are chatting over coffee, even if each of you and running around doing your daily grind.

Guess what? You need to be brave. You need to put yourself out there and make the first move in introducing yourself and trying to connect.

The Importance of Girlfriends

Friendships are supposed to feed our souls. Friendships and being in community with other women is also completely necessary for our mental health, AND is one of the biggest ways to battle mommy burnout. That is HUGE, especially for our culture today. I don’t know about you, but when I regularly spend time talking with and seeing my girlfriends, I am a way better mom and wife. I get filled up, I get a big part of my sense of self back, and it’s just fun. I can vent to them so I don’t throw up all over Ryan when he comes home from work, can ask questions about my kids, and I never feel like I’m experiencing anything alone. Girlfriends make you feel seen and heard- two huge things for women.

The Give and Take

Remember, that friendships are a two way street. Some friendships run their course and that’s okay! We grow and change at different rates and experience different things that not everyone is going to “get”. You need to decide on what your boundaries are and the value you place on them. You know there are friendships you do not want to let go of, and ones that you may be okay setting free. Reach out if you need to reach out. Take a break if you need a break, but don’t lose your sense of community, because the community and relationship piece is the most beneficial for your mental state.

Try to Be the Friend You Want Someone to Be to You

Be intentional with your time. Be present with them. Phones away, connect, talk, laugh! Call each other on being present in your time together. Also, make space for your friendship to grow. You need to give them time and effort. It doesn’t have to be a lot, but if you are ignoring your friends, your friends are going to ignore you. Support them and their businesses, hobbies, etc. especially if you want that support back.

Your Challenge: Put yourself out there, be brave, and make a new friend! OR strengthen a friendship you’re currently in!

Meet Some of Our Best Girlfriends Below!

Connect with Jeanette!


Listen to her Podcast: It’s Time for Coffee


More info on Jeanette’s upcoming book!

Connect with Madison!


Listen to her Podcast: The Fearless Chase



Learn more about Madison’s Event: The Confident Creative’s Workshop

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Head on over to my free Facebook group, Memories in Moments Insiders! There you’ll find additional resources to support each episode, more information on guests and how you can connect with them, visual and video tutorials, and best of all, connection as we navigate parenting and making memories together!


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