Business Tips

I Sent 5 Emails and Made $3500. Here’s What I Did!

January 24, 2024

OMG it’s 2024! We are a month in already! I did the hap-hap-happiest dance as the kids walked off to the bus stop for the first time this year. I immediately put my shoes on and fired up my desk treadmill and walked 6 miles. My body was like wait…why are we moving? I think […]

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Welcome to the ACC Blog! The straight shooting, action plan focused slice of the internet designed to give you tips, tricks and tools to implement immediately to start showing up as yourself on the internet and making bank.


Ready to Blow Up Your Biz?

I'm ready!

Time to get some accountability in putting these tips into action to boost your visibility + credibility!

OMG it’s 2024! We are a month in already! I did the hap-hap-happiest dance as the kids walked off to the bus stop for the first time this year. I immediately put my shoes on and fired up my desk treadmill and walked 6 miles. My body was like wait…why are we moving? I think we’re supposed to be in bed reading still…NO. Time to reemerge and join the land of the living today! We got big goals and big ideas that need to come to life and todays the first step (or like 14,000 steps to be more exact 😉)

Okay so the last week of the 2023, I sent out 5 selling emails to my email list.

This was totally a test if I’m being honest. I wanted to see what a “launch” looked like with VERY little social presence. I also intentionally sent those emails that particular week vs before everyone went on holiday because once Christmas is over, I know that the majority of my audience is jonesing to get back into the swing of things. They love that check out and recharge time, but they’re ready to nail their goals and start the year with a plan. So joining Basic Pitch Club was an answer to that desire.

All in all I grew my membership by 26 people in the last week of the year. Heyyyyyy, ILYSM if you are one of those 26! And if you aren’t, all good, still love ya! 

Below is the plan I had to do a very simple price is going up launch that actually exceeded my expectations results wise and I ended that year with about $3500 cash infusion due to some new members signing on for a whole year! Not bad for 5 emails, right?

Let’s do the breakdown on how I primed my email list to join my membership:


5 selling emails sent starting Dec 27 and ending on the 31st with a last chance before dues double email. These are the email subjects if you’re curious:

  1. the importance of a visibility plan that doesn’t hinge on social media and what we’re going to create together in Jan in BPC
  2. most common Qs I get asked about BPC with my answers
  3. who BPC is for and not for with testimonials
  4. dues double tomorrow and a story about having trying something new due to FOMO
  5. straight to the point- last chance dance to say $50 a month email


  • the week of Dec I went all in on visibility content- tips, tricks, education, stories, social proof, etc. 
  • I also did a series about 5 common mistakes small businesses make with their visibility putting them on the naughty list. All 5 of these long form videos had call to actions to an email opt in, giving a boost to my email list knowing that I wanted to end the year with a surge in BPC members.
  • the last week of the year I did ONE social media post that was selling focused (one!) and it was a repurposed email- I did a carousel post about the most common questions with my answers about BPC
  • I talked about BPC on stories twice with links to join

That’s it! It doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to be this HUGE long drawn out, meticulously planned launch. There is 100% a time and place for that…but I didn’t want that during the holiday break and my audience sure as hell didn’t.

The reason this past price is going up launch was successful is because I know my audience, I know how to connect with them (you!), and am in their shoes knowing what they want (but more importantly need) as we end the year and start a new one fresh.

So I was pretty proud of my emails leading my launch WAY more than social making or breaking it. Now…I have all roads leading to Basic Pitch Club because I have a ton of content and assets to repurpose!

I have a new email opt in (the quiz), I have pins running on Pinterest, I have a very well throught out email funnel leading people to join, I’ve got blog posts with CTA, and I have podcast interviews lined up for this month to expand my reach. And obviously I’ll be posting on social but it is NOT my end all be all. 5 other visibility traffic drivers are driving traffic to the sales page without me constantly doing it in real time. Cool, huh?

So there ya have it. Thought it would be interesting and helpful to see how I made some extra cash in the last week of the year and how you also can follow what for some inspo for your next offer!

And if you want my help, I’m just a reply away. I’ve got some 1-1 coaching spots, a new spanking VIP WEEK I can’t wait to tell you more about, and of course, access to me always in Basic Pitch Club!

Reach out to me if you want to chat more about any of them! Can’t wait to help you grow your visibility and online brand this year. It’s going to be so fun!

Ready to get your visibility and personal brand on lock this year? Join us in Basic Pitch Club! We’d be thrilled to invite you in!

If you want to take my visibility quiz for free and find your missing puzzle piece – check it out! You’ll get a personalized 5 step plan emailed right back to you – easy peasy!

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I'm Allison, your your new bestie + fun biz coach! 

I help small businesses scale and gain massive visibility and credibility through simple PR and marketing strategies! I can get your stuff in front of the right eyes to increase your sales. Oh, and we have tons of FUN while doing it!

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