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She needs absolutely no introduction, but Austin based mom of 5, speaker, and New York Times Bestselling author, Jen Hatmaker is on the show today! Jen is talking all about her new book baby, Fierce, Free and Full of Fire and claiming her stake in the ground when it comes to women living freely as they are. There is NO voice better than Jen’s when it comes to encouraging women to be who they are and give them permission to question, experiment, and live fierce lives full of fire. Jen is also my number one go to expert when it comes to parenting older kids. She makes connecting and building relationships with older kids so fun and she’s an inspiration to me as a mom of littles!
Meet your new mom hero and bestie, Jen Hatmaker!
I can’t even tell you how amazing Jen’s new book, Fierce, Free and Full of Fire is. I’ve been listening to it on Audible, which I encourage everyone to do, btw. Jen is an audio book master. You get a TON of additional content when you listen to audio because she goes on a million tangents and detours, and even includes snippets of her podcast. It really is a treat!
Jen explains Fierce as the book she earned and wished she had 5 years ago when she was really stepping into having authority over her own life. Permission to have complete ownership over her own life, thoughts, ideas, opinions, gifts, relationships, etc.
This book is a true gift to women. 100% required reading and every single woman in your life needs to read and pass onto another sister.
It’s Jen laying out every single piece of advice, lesson learned, resource, tool, etc. she has picked up along this journey in her amazing relatable voice that only Jen can do.
Her goal? Have this book and it’s lessons/encouragement be obsolete in the next few years. That women finding it and picking it up and read it and think, “well duh. Of course we live like that.” Isn’t that what we want for all our daughters? I am so excited that Evie gets to live her life one step closer, if not fully stepping into a world where women being their amazing selves freely is THE NORM.

Let’s Talk Body Love
One of the chapters that stuck with me the most from Fierce is the chapter on being free when it comes to your body and how you think about her. Man. What a shift in perspective. One, after reading, I started calling my body she or her. BIG one. It personalizes something that I don’t always love and forces me to see her as ME, and all the gifts she has given me and my family.
You body is 100% team YOU. She is doing everything for you. When you start thinking about her like that, you start to soften a bit. You may hate her…but no one else does. Time to break the cycle, guys.
Before reading Fierce, I was grateful that my body gave me my babies…and that was about it. Thanks. It was way more natural for me to pick apart every single aspect of her and label what disgusted me and that ideally would change if I just got my act together. Skin, stomach, face crinkles, hair, you name it, I’ve complained about it.
Then I read Fierce, and I listened to Jen tearfully read a list of all the mindblowing things, both big and small, that her body has done for her. The smell of garlic, the feeling she got with her first kiss, hands that brought her words to life and impacted women, her babies, etc. And I immediately put my head down and forced the start of my own list. All the things I loved and appreciated about my body and the joyful moments she has given me. Of anything you hear this episode, this is what I encourage you to do. Sit down, spend some time thinking of every sensual (scent, sight, smell, touch, feeling) that your body has gifted you with and thank HER for them.
Parenting Older Kids
First, your kids don’t just change overnight into these mean, disconnected pod people. They are the same kid, they just get older each year. Jen made the decision to enjoy her kids as they got older. Choosing not to buy into the idea that teenagers are the worst and everything is a nightmare when they get older. She made the decision to love the teen years and then you just do.
I’m looking forward to being a human with my kids. Right now I’m parenting all day everyday. Directing, instructing, parenting. As they get older, you get to talk to them, hang out with them, and just be with them as people. So more being afraid!
The 13th Birthday Tradition
This is one of my all time favorite traditions I’ve ever heard. Jen and her husband, Brandon, started surprise trips for their kids when they turned 13. LOVE. They don’t know where they’re going or when, but around their birthday, they surprise them with a trip somewhere fun with one parent. Boys with dad, girls with mom.
As if that wasn’t fun and special enough, they make these yes trips. Saying yes to everything they ask for. Room service, shopping, outings, etc. Yes, yes, yes. AND THEN, they surprise them with letters and notes from special people in their life! Throughout their trip, they dole out letters of encouragement, wisdom, advice, love, etc. for their 13 years old coming into this new chapter of their life. Beyond obsessed. Cannot wait to plan Evie’s 13 year old trip!
Brave Moms Raise Brave Kids
We are living in a time where we have zero playbook. We are showing our kids how we’re navigating it. So how we’re acting during this pandemic is how we’re showing them what we’re feeling. Our facial expressions, our mood, our ability to navigate- all teaching them.
Jen had a very real moment with her older kids about how she was feeling and what was making her nervous, upset, concerned, etc. and her kids thanked her for being so real with them. It made her human and relatable and showed them that they are all in it together in how they’re feeling and acting. We are with our kids, they are not alone, and we’re allowed to be human with them. We don’t need to sugar coat or gloss over things like “well at least Daddy has a job” or ” at least we have a home!” That makes them feel guilty and alone in their feelings sometimes. Being brave is walking the walk alongside of them.

Listen to the For the Love Podcast
Buy the Book: Fierce, Free and Full of Fire!
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The Heartful Parent Academy
The Heartful Parent Academy is run by podcast guest and fan favorite, Christy Keating! Christy is a former criminal prosecutor, a Certified Parent Coach®, and a Certified Positive Discipline Educator and she’s created an incredible supportive membership community! When you join the Academy, for ONLY $1- hello, you get access to fabulous video content created and curated by Christy, masterclasses with other experts and authors, a private members-only Facebook group where you can ask questions and get support, twice a month online coaching with Christy for members only, exclusive access to a quarterly members-only book club, and more!
Christy is generously giving Memories in Moments listeners 30 days for only $1 and then only $24.99/month (vs 49!) after that for life as long as they stay a member. And no pressure because you can cancel your monthly membership at anytime. This is an insane deal and resource for you to take advantage of, friend. Head on over to to join!
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