I was recently having trunk coffee with my friends and my girlfriend asked each of us to go around the circle and share what we’re going to keep after this is “done.” What have we enjoyed and think we will continue doing? Loved that question and I love that everyone’s answer was a bit different, so I thought I’d share some of the things that I hope to keep as we transition out of this quarantine season and navigate our new normal.
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What Has Been Great About Quarantine?
So all our “normal” routines have been completely uprooted and turned on their heads. Every day for my family has seemed different, and it’s been hard because we are generally a structured family who thrives with routine. BUT all those routines are gone and I’ve unsuccessfully tried to implement new ones. Most of this sucks and I can’t wait to get back to “normal”- whatever that looks like, but some of the things that we’ve been doing as a family I definitely want to continue.
A lot of this quarantine situation has been a full back to basics for families all over. And that back to basics feels kind of good. Quality family connection, which really is something I’m always trying to help with and grow as in my own family, but quarantine has really brought out a new level of connection and togetherness time!
This past weekend I was having a car trunk coffee date with my girlfriends, and my friend, Aleks, asked us all to share what we were going to keep from quarantine. I really loved that question because it made me pause and think about what I have loved about this time at home, what has made a difference in my family’s life and routine, and what I’m definitely going to change as we head back into the world of our new normal.
What I’m Keeping from Quarantine
Saying Yes
I tend to parent in the way that’s most convenient, and a lot of time no is easier. It’s also my knee jerk reaction. I’m usually quicker to say no than yes. Is this you too?
During quarantine though, I’ve been saying YES so much. Anything they want to do that’s not going to hurt themselves, eat sugar all day, or be on screens all day, I basically say yes to. If it’s something that entertains them, keeps them busy, keeps them playing together, keeps them being creative, active, etc. then a million times YES. What I’ve found also is that a ton of these yeses I’ve been giving is actually way easier than saying no. It makes them super happy, there isn’t push back/drama, and it’s usually resulted in a happier, more easy going environment. So because of that, I hope I get in the habit of saying yes way more than saying no moving forward!
Being Okay Being Still
No more wandering around stores like Target spending money I don’t need to because I’m bored. Please hold me to this! I go because I’m bored or need a break and then end up getting sucked into the Target black hole and leave spending hundreds of dollars that is so not necessary.
I’m someone that needs to be doing something or being out and about somewhere. I don’t like being still and doing nothing. That is not relaxing to me. So often, I get bored and want to go somewhere or spend money on something to fulfill that. So now…I’ve proven to myself that I don’t need a lot of the things that I think I “need” and that I can just sit and be without doing multiple things at once.
Some things I’ve loved doing: reading WITH the kids- they read and I read my own book, coloring with them, watching a show with them vs. using it as a thing to do to entertain them while I do something else. We’ve been loving Kids Baking Competition! It’s been nice to relax and decompress with them, and that’s honestly, not something I really have done before!

Our Family, Our Rules
There’s a lot of what you are doing, what we are doing, what I’m doing right now among people. Lots of social media about what people are doing, or friend groups sharing, family members, etc.
I’ve always been someone who puts their head down and worries about my family and what works for us, and have always encouraged people to do what works for their family, but quarantine has solidified that right now.
The biggest example in my life when it comes to this? School. Evie HATES her online “school.” For someone who LOVES school and has never once complained about anything when it comes to school, this has been devastating. We’re toeing this line of her understanding she has a job to do as a student, but also not wanting to push too hard and having her completely hate school and it be a fight everyday.
So I finally had it. My family, my rules. Online school isn’t working for us anymore, so we’re not going to do it. I’ve had lots of communication about my child’s teacher about this and she agrees and we’re on the same page. So definitely speak up and advocate for yourself and your kid and the mental wellness of your family during this time. I’m coming up with my own flexible plan of reading, having her keep a gratitude journal, math games, etc. and that’s working for us right now, so that’s what I’m sticking to!
The ability for them to be kids right now, that back to basics parenting, is my priority at the moment. One of my family’s rules is the enjoy being in this home together. And letting them be creative, play, be outside, experiment, bake, etc. is honoring that rule. I also just want them to be kids and enjoy this time together. I gained another year with my school aged kid, Hudson got another year back playing with his sister. That’s a big deal and I want to savor that.
No More Taking for Granted
God I’ve taken so many things for granted in my life. I want to recognize the things I’ve taken for granted then hold them in a place of deep gratitude for having them in my life.
The ability for my parents and in laws to come over whenever we want or need to hang out with them and help with the kids. My kids miss this the most and are the most confused about not seeing them.
The fact that my house gets cleaned for me by a team of amazing beautiful women. THANK YOU.
Friday walks with my girlfriends. So special and so vital to my mental health and I miss them.
So what is yours? What is working well? What do you love? What are you going to KEEP from quarantine? I’d love to know! Comment below on this blog post and tell me! I’d love to compile a list of what we’re all keeping to offer as a free printable for everyone to be inspired and to think about!
Also, as always please share this episode on social! Screenshot this episode and share it on social or stories and tag me @allisocartercelebrates!
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