Sarah Adler is on the show to give us the boost we need as we enter this new year looking to implement healthy but realistic habits and rituals into our lives! With her business, Simply Real Health, Sarah helps her community learn a better foundation of real food, which in turn helps simplify their whole life. This episode is a must listen, especially for those moms that can fall into the trap of putting others and their needs first! Sound familiar?
Listen below or head on over to iTunes, Spotify, or Stitcher!
Meet Your New Healthy Bestie, Sarah!
Sarah is a PNW mom boss who has been a huge inspiration and driving force behind my business, Allison Carter Celebrates! Sarah was one of the first people I asked advice from when starting my business. She was promoting a business school program called B-School and I really wanted to take it, but didn’t know if I was too early in my idea…and it was a big chunk of change! She talked to me a bit and I decided to go for it! So you have Sarah to thank for this podcast because without me taking that program, I for sure would not be where I am in my business today!

Sarah runs Simply Real Health, where she helps her community learn a better foundation of real food, which in turn helps simplify their whole life. Sarah’s recipes are to die for, and ones I make constantly because I know they are going to be healthy and satisfying, she has a coaching program and course about implementing these rituals and habits into your life in a way that isn’t overwhelming, and she has written two cookbooks, Simply Real Health and Simply Real Eating, which we discuss in today’s show!
Something I love about Sarah is that she teaches us what health looks and feels like for us. Everyone has such a BIG difference in what works and doesn’t work for them and she teaches you to be in tune with it and the routines that work for you.
The first step in making this change of learning how to listen to your body and learn about your own health? Transition to real food.
What is Real Food?
Food in its most simplest form. What is in this food? That is your first question. Simple, real ingredients that you can read. Job #1! Look at the ingredient list ONLY, not the nutrition facts. Foods that have lists of words you can’t pronounce or visualize as to where it would be in a grocery store are going to be a bigger burden for your body in figuring how to digest it.
Once you make this transition, you can get a lot more clear on what works for your body. For example, I have whole fat dairy and whole grain products with real food in them, but my body really doesn’t do well with dairy and gluten. Dairy makes my skin break out and upsets my stomach and gluten makes me really fuzzy and snappy with the kids. I know that because I’ve gone on this food journey!
Being a little more intentional and spending just a tiny bit more time and effort planning ahead for these real food habits will dramatically change your health and how you feel. If you have it in the house…you’re going to eat it. Also, start with YOU first. Don’t try to change the family as a whole. Start with yourself and go from there!
Simply Real Eating
Sarah’s newest book, Simply Real Eating, is available now! You guys. I have been DYING for this new book! Her first book, Simply Real Health is a staple in my house. I know that anything I make is going to be super healthy and good for me and will have the added bonus of being FAST! She really has a way of making delicious food in very little time and without weird ingredients you have to go somewhere special to find! I highly recommended both books, and follow her on IG and her blog for even more recipes.

She has insane bonuses right now for people that order the book before January too! A free cooking club, a FREE meal plan that goes along with the cookbook and a group for implementing some of these real food routines! Definitely jump on that and I’ll see you inside! All the info you need is right here!
Sarah’s meal plans are also life savers for busy mamas! I’ve used many of them, especially in busy seasons, and they make planning, shopping and cooking SO easy and my family has liked everything we’ve made!
Two Simple Ways to Put Our Health First This Year
1. Find 5 recipes you can do, are easy, and that you like!
These are your go to things that take the thinking and effort out of meal time. You know what ingredients you need to get, that you can cook them in a short amount of time. You can easily vary it to keep it interesting also, like switching out the chicken for salmon one week or changing the vegetable.
2. Make one larger thing each week that can be made into many different meals, like a soup.
This you can get more bang for your buck and can change it up and have a bar style- which kids LOVE. They love control! So soup bar, tacos, chili, waffles, etc. Make a big thing of meat in the instant pot and then use it for tacos, for soup, salads, etc.

Buy the Books: Simply Real Eating and Simply Real Health
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Tantrum Fix
Anyone have a kid in their house that experiences “big feelings?” Tantrum Box has got you covered! This box has been a total lifesaver for Hudson!
Tantrums are really exhausting. And while a normal phase in children’s development, there’s definitely a better way of dealing with them. Tantrum Fix is the first ever, award winning tantrum-taming-kit that comes with everything you’ll need to ride the storm of a tantrum.
It includes simple instructions for parents and caregivers, a book to read to your little one at bedtime and a series of elements to build an effective calming corner – such us exclusive flashcards that help little kids verbalize and find a way out of their meltdown, a calming bottle, a drawing set to express feelings through art, bubbles to help you teach them deep breathing and more. Hudson is obsessed with his and I know your kids will love it too!
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[…] Memories in Moments (Episode 66): Simply Taking Real Care Of Ourselves This Year With Sarah Adler […]
[…] Listen to Sarah talk about starting the year off in the healthiest and most realistic way on Episode 66: Simply Taking Real Care of Your Health This Year here! […]
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