Memories in Moments

Episode 37: Our Best Piece of Mom Advice: My Love Letter to Moms

October 15, 2019

At the end of every show I ask guests 3 lasting memories. I ask the same questions to every guest, the last one being “what is your favorite piece of mom advice?” I’ve compiled some of that expert mom advice from guests for this show. You’ll get the hear all the advice in one spot […]

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At the end of every show I ask guests 3 lasting memories. I ask the same questions to every guest, the last one being “what is your favorite piece of mom advice?” I’ve compiled some of that expert mom advice from guests for this show. You’ll get the hear all the advice in one spot as my little love letter to the amazing and rockstar mom that you are. 

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Happy Mother’s Day, Mama!

 I’m doing something a little different on today’s show! Today is all about honoring the moms out there. Mother’s Day is coming up and I want to take this opportunity to send you all a little love letter. Think of this show as my big hug to you. The mom that is still waking up at night to feed her baby, the mom that is anxious about sending her kid to school for the first time, the mom that is questioning where she fits in her own life, the mom that is filled with joy and gratitude, the mom that is clawing her way to nap time, and the mom that has entered the tween stage and is wondering what’s in store for her and her family. This one is for the moms…like that Martina McBride song…but with moms. “This ones for the moms….”

At the end of every show I ask guests 3 lasting memories. I ask the same questions to every guest, the last one being “what is your favorite piece of mom advice?” I ask this question for a couple reasons. One, I am just curious. I love getting a little peek into someone’s life and how they do things. And two, I genuinely believe in my soul that we need each other to survive. We need each other’s experiences, advice and encouragement to thrive as moms. I have heard so much advice on this show and each guest has made me think of something a little differently. They’ve made me want to be the best mom I can, their advice has been supportive and reassuring and it’s been inspirational.

I’ve compiled some of that expert mom advice from guests for this show. You’ll get the hear all the advice in one spot. Like I said, my little love letter to the amazing and rockstar mom that you are. Happy Mothers Day to the raddest group of moms I know. You are my heroes and you make me want to be the best mom I can be for Evie and Hud. Also, a big Happy Mothers Day to my mom, Susan, for modeling what being a super mom while still chasing your own dreams looks like. I wouldn’t be hear speaking into this mic if it wasn’t for your inspiration and impact on my life. I love you.

Enjoy the show, mamas! And please, share this one. Send it to a friend that needs a little extra love today. Send it to your own mom with a thank you text. Share the advice because we really are in this together…and we need all the help we can get.

 Mom Advice

 Shakira Patterson from Episode 26: Making Memories Through Hard Season of Life

Shakira’s advice is “do what serves you.” This can be different from day to day, or even hour to hour. If you need to rest or take a minute to regroup, do it. Do what serves you. This helps us stay grounded and reflect back on what we need so we can show up and be the best for our families,

Aleks Lopez from Episode 33: Rocking the Working Mom Life- Maximizing Time, Saying No, and Self Care.

Her advice is SO GOOD. “You are doing GREAT!” And you’re doing so much better than you think you are. We think you are amazing! Also, Say NO More and Ask for Help. You can’t do it all…and so you need to say no to things and ask for help in the things you say yes to. Love, love, love.

Brandy Salazar from Episode 23: Growing and Making Intentional Memories with Our Partners 

Brandy had some great advice about parenting your individual children. She has two very different kids and she was feeling defeated after her 2nd daughter because what she was trying to do wasn’t working. She has found that if she doesn’t take the time to talk to the individual child and tune into their needs and what they respond to.

Rebecca Ellison from Episode 21: How to Capture Memories Like a Photography Pro

Be okay with succeeding in something outside of the house as well. Our values and interests are just as important as our kids are too us. It doesn’t replace them at all, it adds to our life. Becca has inspired me SO much as I’ve navigated this working from home mom life gig. I know I’m a better wife and mom because I have something for myself to focus on and put energy into. Such good advice for those mother hustlers out there!

Lacey Rabalais from Episode 28: Making Family Memories in the Garden

Don’t let unrealistic expectations ruin things. LOVE. Commercials ruin life. They give you unrealistic expectations on how life is going to go, and when they don’t happen, it ruins little things. Lacey also suggested making things an adventure vs. an errand. Just puts a fun spin on the everyday moments!

Erin Stoll from Episode 20: The Ultimate Style Guide for Creating Memories

Don’t hold onto what you used to be. You’re not that anymore, we are always becoming something else. We think this is it all the time- I’m going to get that job and that’s it. Married and that’s it. But that’s not it, and we are always changing and our style needs to reflect that. Meet yourself where you are today.

Jennifer Zumbiel from Episode 24: Creating Family Memories Around the Dinner Table

Jennifer’s advice got me in the gut. It’s SUCH a hard one, but SO powerful. Learn how to say no to good things. Chaperoning the field trip, volunteering for something, girls night…it’s okay to say no. If it’s causing us stress or making us take on too much, it’s okay to say no, even if it’s just to stay home and catch up on laundry! It’s a hard one to learn and practice…but can be so freeing and rewarding! This helps a lot with not caring what other people think about us also!

Chase Simmering from Episode 26: Recording Memories and Turning Them into Cherished Keepsakes

It’s okay to not keep and record everything our kid does. Doing this could actually burden our kids eventually. It’s more important to be in the moments and enjoying these memories rather than having to document it all.

Christine and Meg from Episode 34: Bringing the Fun and Silly Back to Family Game Night

Christine: Have some compassion for yourself and be okay with forgiving yourself. This helps each day be a new day…and not dwell on the day we just had that may not have been the best. Acknowleding this missteps and frustrated moments are beneficial for ourselves and our kids. Parenting with guilt isn’t coming from a place of love and understanding, so if we want to do that, we need to start with ourselves.

Meghan: Get on the floor, be silly, roll around and play with your kids. It’s good to get dirty and be a kid again with our kids. It’s fun and really healthy for us and our kids!

Emily Karun from Episode 29: Stop Comparing Your Mothering and Memory Making to Others

Learn to focus on what we want rather than letting the overwhelm or exhaustion take over. Instead of what you don’t like or what you want to change, focus on what you want. This is your new Northern Star. Focus on that and you are one step closer to achieving it.

Allison Carter- I get asked a lot about what MY best piece of mom advice would be so…here’s my semi-short answer!

Put your head down and stay in your lane. Man has this been a work in process! This skill carries over into my business, my marriage, my style, my home, tons of areas of life. I believe that I was meant to be the mom for my two kids, and that means I get to trust my gut when it comes to my family and my kids. If we were all happy, healthy and thriving, we are doing well.

My second piece of advice is to just look for those little moments you can turn the volume up a bit. It’s the smallest moments that we remember, the things we do everyday, and we have an opportunity to make a lasting impression on our kids during those moments. Find the times you can stop and celebrate something small. We get the honor of parenting these funny, tiny, sweet little humans who have so much joy in their lives that we get to piggyback on and bring the magic and memories to their childhood.

Do you have an awesome piece of mom advice you’d love to be included in this show notes page? I’d love for this to become a running tab of encourgement, support, and guidance for moms to use as a little check in or boost on a tough day. Comment your advice below or email it to me:

Connect with Me, Allison!



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